
Video Game Design Camp!
“Level-Up” your learning this summer with Video Game Design Camp! Through interactive storytelling and compelling level design, video games provide entertainment and practice for problem-solving skills, hand-eye coordination, and creative thinking.  There are no prerequisites for the camp.
Immersed in the study and practice of games, we will cover the creative and technical aspects of game design as well as how to use a compelling narrative to drive the direction of your game. Participants will design and program fully functional video games from start to finish with characters, levels, backgrounds, and custom features

Instructor: Mr. Kevin Bower

Ages/Grade Levels: Students entering 4th through 9th grade

Location: Centerville Middle School



June 9-12, 2025(Camp 1)

June 23-27, 2025 (Camp 2)

July 14-18, 2025 (Camp 3)

**Due to the popularity of this camp, we are offering three sessions this year.  Each week is one full camp session.  You will register for only one week**

Times:  12:30 PM to 4:30 PM (Half-Day Afternoon Camp)

Cost: $175

**Camp 1 can be paired with Content Creation Camp, Camp 2 can be paired with STEMLetics and Camp 3 can be paired with Interactive StoryMakers Camp for a full day experience**



Lancaster Technology Camps has been offering students technology based camps for the past eight years!



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Office hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Telephone: (123) 456-78-90
Email: [email protected]

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