
Website Design Camp

Have you ever wanted to create a website but didn’t know where to start?!  In this camp you will get the opportunity to create your own website, using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript! You will first learn how HTML can be used to put content into your website such as text, images, hyperlinks, and even embedded google maps and videos. Then you will learn how you can use CSS to style your webpage, changing the colors, size, and location of your content. Finally, you will learn some basic JavaScript to take your website from static to dynamic having the user be able to interact with your site. No coding experience needed!

**Pair this camp with our Micro-Controller Camp for a full day experience!!**

Instructors: Mr. Jeremy Gwyn

Ages/Grade Levels: Students entering 4th through 8th

Location: Hempfield High School

200 Stanley Ave, Landisville, PA 17538

Dates: This camp is not being offered for the 2025 season

Times: 12:30 Pm – 4:30pm (Half-Day Afternoon Camp)

Cost: $175



Lancaster Technology Camps has been offering students technology based camps for the past eight years!



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Office hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Telephone: (123) 456-78-90
Email: [email protected]

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