
Micro-Controller Coding Camp – Infinity Mirrors…..And Beyond

An example of what you will be making!!

In this camp you will get the unique opportunity to combine hands-on learning with computer science.  A blended instructional environment will allow you to work with tools to physically build an infinity mirror as well as obtaining the skill set to code your own personal design in illuminating the final product.  Students will use C++ to code the mirror. You will design, create, and build your own infinity mirror!  At the end of the week, each student will have a working mirror that has been programed to reflect their own interest and ability.

Using a single board micro-controller, you will design and learn how to program a light emitting diode (LED) strip, using fundamental programing concepts (variables, control structures, iteration, libraries, and more).  Pending time and knowledge of the content, students will have the opportunity to further their mirror by adding sensors to it (i.e., making the mirror turn on when you get close enough).

No coding experience needed!

Instructors: Mr. Jeremy Gwyn and Mr. Lee Hawley

Ages/Grade Levels: Students entering 4th through 8th

Location: Hempfield High School

200 Stanley Ave, Landisville, PA 17538

Dates: June 16-19, 2025

Times: 8:00am – 12:00pm (Half-Day Morning Camp)

Cost: $175 plus $50 material fee (includes infinity mirror, Arduino, LED strip, USB power cord)



Lancaster Technology Camps has been offering students technology based camps for the past eight years!



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Office hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Telephone: (123) 456-78-90
Email: [email protected]

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