

Design, build, and test a robot at Robotics Camp! Campers will have the exciting opportunity to build drive systems, chassis, and mechanisms for their robotic system using VEX Robotics components. Campers will program their own robot design for either radio controlled operation or fully autonomous function using RobotC programming language as they compete with other groups to accomplish tasks.  Campers will get to test their robots over rough terrain and even navigate their robots to avoid obstacles!

Robots play an ever-increasing roll in daily life. This camp will provide campers with a foundational understanding of robotics and STEM concepts. Campers do not need to have any prior experience with robotics or programming in order to enroll. Campers who have previous experience with robotic systems will have many opportunities to take their learning to the next level throughout the camp.


Instructor: Mr. Joe Shelly

Ages/Grade Levels: Ages 11-16

Location: Hempfield High School

200 Stanley Ave, Landisville, PA 17538

Dates: Session 1:  June 9-12, 2025

Session 2:  June 16-19, 2025

Session 3,  June 23-26, 2025

Times:  9AM to 3:00 PM (Full Day Camp)

Cost: $259

**This camp is limited to only 16 students””



Lancaster Technology Camps has been offering students technology based camps for the past eight years!



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Office hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Telephone: (123) 456-78-90
Email: [email protected]

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