June 23, 2025 - June 27, 2025
8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Are you ready to embark on an exciting journey where the worlds of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics intersect with the thrill of sports? Welcome to STEMletics Camp! STEMLetics Adventure combines the excitement of sports and physical activities with science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) concepts. This unique camp offers a variety of fun and educational activities that help kids learn while participating in sports and athletic endeavors. Our campers will venture into the engineering and materials science behind sports equipment, designing and building their prototypes. They’ll understand how materials and technology are essential for enhancing performance and safety. Ever wondered how technology revolutionizes sports broadcasting? Our campers will learn about the high-tech world of sports broadcasting, including cameras, instant replays, and graphic overlays. They’ll even create mock sports broadcasts, complete with commentary and on-screen graphics
Instructor: Mr. Kevin Bower
Ages/Grade Levels: Students entering 4th through 9th grade
Location: Centerville Middle School
865 Centerville Rd, Lancaster, PA 17601
Dates: June 23-27, 2025
Times: 8AM to 12:00 AM
Cost: $175
**This Camp Can be Paired with our Video Game Design Camp for a full day experience**